The services and support we provide are tailored to the needs of specific customers and projects, and with an in-depth understanding of the products, we are aware of the importance of high-quality, on-time delivery and the pressure to meet the manufacturing schedule, as well as accuracy and Importance of the latest report. Sortu zenetik, Kanadako, Hego Amerikako, Asiako Hego-ekialdeko, Erdialdeko Asia, Ekialde Hurbileko, Hegoafrikako, Ipar Afrikako eta Iparraldeko Europako merkatuetan bezero eta proiektuak zerbitzatzen ari gara.
Gure konpainiaren produktuen kalitatea bermatzea errentagarria da.
- Domestic and foreign bulletproof steel plates FD16, FD53, FD54, FD56, FD79, FD95 types, characteristics and applications 1. Introduction to bulletproof steel plates Bulletproof steel plates are generally used in bulletproof protection and explosion-proof projects, such as shooting range equipment. ..
- 09/20 24
Joturarik gabeko altzairuzko hodiak
Seamless steel pipes Seamless steel pipes are made of a whole piece of metal, and there are no seams on the surface. They are called seamless steel pipes. Ekoizpen-metodoaren arabera, josturarik gabeko hodiak beroan ijetzitako hodietan, hotzean ijetzitako hodietan, hotzean tiratutako hodietan, estrusitutako hodietan, jaketan... banatzen dira.