Burdinazko altzairu galbanizatu beroa teilatu korrugatua

Deskribapen laburra:

Zabalera: 600-1500mm

Altzairuzko plaka profilatua 460 470 750 780 820 840 900 1050 850 880 960 980WAVE, CANBE COMANIZE.

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Produktuen etiketak

2-22 (2)


Galvanized roofing sheet are mainly used to make inner and outer covering parts and structural parts that require formability and corrosion resistance in automobile, construction, household appliances and other industries.Galvanized sheet products are mainly used in construction, light industry, automobile, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery and commercial industries. Horien artean, eraikuntzaren industria batez ere korrosioaren aurkako industria eta eraikin zibileko teilatuen panelak, teilatuen parrilak eta abar fabrikatzeko erabiltzen da; the light industry industry uses it to manufacture household appliance shells, civil bacon, kitchen utensils, etc., and the automotive industry is mainly used to manufacture corrosion-resistant parts for cars etc.; Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery are mainly used for food storage and transportation, meat and aquatic products freezing processing tools, etc.;It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, large spansThe roof, wall and interior and exterior wall decoration of steel structure houses are light in weight.High strength,, convenient and quick construction, earthquake resistance, fire prevention, rainproof,Long life, maintenance-free and other characteristics, has been widely used.



(1) Aplikazioaren piezen sailkapenaren arabera, teilatu paneletan, hormako paneletan, zoru-mahaietan eta sabaiko paneletan banatuta dago. In use, the color steel plate is used as the wall decoration board at the same time, and the architectural decoration effect is relatively novel and unique.


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